Thursday, July 16, 2009

Fame and indian food

I have a few updates for you.

First, the restaurant where I work just got reviewed again (we got 4 stars!!), and I (gasp) was the server that served that table unknowingly. Luckily, I did ok - you can read here what they thought. On top of it all, they unconventionally used my full name...I'm famous!!!

Second, I made chana masala last night for dinner, and it was absolutely delicious. Very spiced, with just the right amount of heat and some yogurt to cool it off...well, I'll stop, because a flirtatious post about this very dish (along with the recipe) already exists. You should make it, immediately.

1 comment:

Lauri said...

Very nice article about Still River Cafe. I was thrilled to see your whole name mentioned and the lovely things she said of your professionalism! Went to the "flirtatious post" and got carried away with her other recipes....suffice to say that it is now starred as a "favorite".