Friday, September 11, 2009

Taste buds on strike

I’ve come, in between sniffles and piles of Kleenex, only for a minute today, to tell you that I’m couch-ridden.

True, my current condition does allow for ample laptop time, but unfortunately it does not prove to be very inspiring to my diet. Thus I don’t have much to tell you – other than that I am still eating, slowly but surely, and mostly by the goodwill of my mother and her bountiful casseroles. They stick to your ribs, if you know what I mean.

And even though I’ve watched so many bad sitcoms in the past few days that I think my eyes may fall right out of my head, I’ve got something to look forward to: last week, my parents brought me home a bottle of swanky, grade A maple syrup from Vermont, so I have that waiting for me as soon as my antibiotics have run their course.

I’m hoping to think up something a bit more exotic than pancakes to use it on, but really, right now anything sounds good. So long as my taste buds aren’t still on strike.

1 comment:

Lauri said...

Taste buds on strike would still appreciate a nice bowl chicken soup, yes? Problem is that if I go on Foodgawkers to research a new recipe for the soup you may be totally cured by the time you get the soup!! When you start to feel better try making the Butternut Squash Fries and use the Maple syrup as a condiment!
Feel better soon!!